New Vikta PosiPerle range by Pressure Care Management 2

Vikta PosiPerle pressure care with PneumaPure filter

Pressure Care Management Ltd‘s new Vikta PosiPerle pressure care cushioning devices feature PneumaPure filter technology. By combining unique filter technology (cover) and microbeads (content) we create safer environment for patients and caregivers.

SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding is patent protected soft surface technology, clinically proven to block pathogens*, allergens, microbes and mould, combining absolute barrier protection with airflow – for user comfort. For further questions, please contact us

SleepAngel Medical is the world’s first barrier bedding range to combine absolute barrier protection (clinically proven to block pathogens, allergens, microbes etc) with airflow – for user comfort. This is especially important in pressure care management. New Vikta PosiPerle range by Pressure Care Management  brings together two innovations: micro bead content and our PneumaPure filter technology, resulting in improved safety for the patient and caregiver, while not making any compromises in comfort of sustainability.

Vikta PosiPerle range with PneumaPure filter technology:

    • • Clinically proven to block pathogens*, allergens, microbes and mould;
    • • Sustainable utilisation and easy cleaning procedures – products can be disinfected on site and safely used for next patient, no machine wash or dry cleaning required;
    • • Barrier components – durable, soft touch and high performance textile; heat sealed seams (no stitching holes), breathable mechanical PneumaPure filter allows clean air flow into the pillow, but blocks out pathogens and allergens – secure safe and comfortable user experience.
    • • Micro bead content that forms to the body shape to support and offload the body or limb to maintain good positioning and pressure care

Pressure Care Management is a dedicated specialists in pressure care, that addresses the needs of personal, healthcare and medical clients for over 15 years. By supplying a range of reliable products, from simple and innovative to specific and technical, we aim to provide every individual with the right solution. Read more about the company here: link

SleepAngel Medical (Gabriel Scientific) is the producer of PneumaPure filtered soft surface products. Unique product technology bedding products are used in healthcare, hospitality and private homes around the world. For contacts, you are most welcome to write to us

* Tested pathogens include MRSA, C. Difficile, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Norovi-rus, Influenza Type A, Adenovirus 5, Coronavirus 229E (HcoV 229E)

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