NHS Knowlex SleepAngel

SleepAngel to participate in NHS conference in Birmingham

SleepAngel to present its pathogen proof barrier bedding at The Annual Infection Prevention and Control Conference „Anti-Bacterial Resistance and My Role Is?“

SleepAngel to present its pathogen proof barrier bedding at The Annual Infection Prevention and Control Conference „Anti-Bacterial Resistance and My Role Is?“

Conference will take place in Birmingham on 13th of February 2020 and is organized by NHS in collaboration with Knowlex.

On February 13th more than 500 senior healthcare professionals will meet at NCC Birmingham at NHS England’s annual infection-prevention and control meeting and conference. Major progress is already made in the constant battle to prevent and control healthcare associated infections (HCAI), but there is still much to do, with latest infection-figures (for 2018/19) revealing 83,000 cases of E. coli, Klebsiella spp., P. aeruginosa, MRSA and MSSA bacteraemia, and CDI, affecting 73,000 patients, across England –resulting in more than 12,700 patient deaths (some 16% of infection-cases).

At the same time UK Government has set up a five-year action plan and 20-year vision for tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), where key targets include reducing drug-resistant infections by 10% by 2025, reducing antibiotic use in humans by 15%, and reducing gram-negative blood-stream-infections.

SleepAngel will be at the conference to introduce unique soft surface product technology with PneumaPure filter for medical sector. SleepAngel bedding products and positioners reduce workload, bedding budget and environmental effect while keeping patient’s environment comfortable.

SleepAngel product technology

PneumaPure Filter Technology is a highly specialised nano-porous filter composite (i.e. composed of extremely small pores) that functions as an effective barrier to pathogens including bacteria, virus and fungus as well as to the ingress of liquid, while remaining highly air-permeable. Using this advanced technology in the design and manufacture of pillows, mattresses and other cushioning devices, results in a hermetically sealed cushioning device that is a clinically proven barrier to pathogen ingress yet is well ventilated, breathable and comfortable.

Globally patented incl. EU, UK, North America, Japan, China, Russia, India, Middle East. SleepAngel PneumaPure products are CE – marked Class I Medical Devices.

Read more

The Annual Infection Prevention and Control Conference focused on a subject „Anti-Bacterial Resistance and My Role Is? “ https://infectioncontrol2020.co.uk
SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding www.SleepAngel-Medical.com
SleepAngel Bedding for home and hotel www.SleepAngel.eu


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