Spry Therapeutics

SleepAngel partner Spry Therapeutics launches 2020 Pure campaign

Spry Therapeutics, SleepAngel partner in US, launches 2020 Pure campaign to address the HAI epidemic.

Spry Therapeutics, a health and wellness technology company, SleepAngel partner in US, announced on 14th of January its plan to reduce the spread of healthcare acquired infections (HAIs) among patients and caregivers.

Through its 2020 Pure campaign, Spry hopes to address the HAI epidemic, which claims 99,000 lives in the US annually – more than breast and prostate cancer combined – with its patented filtered technology, PneumaPure Filter technology.

Hospitals currently do everything within their power to clean hard surfaces and prevent cross-contamination among patients and caregivers, by using autoclaves, sanitizing wipes, UV sterilization, and more. Unfortunately, current sterilization methods are only topical and do nothing to address the interior of soft surfaces, such as pillows and mattresses, on which patients spend most of their time.

Currently, all pillows on the market are susceptible to contamination by their very design; their stitched seams enable countless pathogens to enter and exit their interiors with each new patient. Similarly, ECRI Institute reports that supposedly “clean” mattresses can contain blood and other bodily fluids, which put patients at risk for cross-contamination. As a result, these soft surfaces have become reservoirs of deadly organisms like MRSA, C. diff, E. coli, Candida auris, and more – commonly known as “superbugs.”

Spry Therapeutics is committed to helping healthcare facilities eliminate soft surfaces as a vector for contamination by providing the world’s first and only soft-surface filter technology: Pneumapure. The company’s patented filter technology blocks even the smallest “superbugs” – down to .02 micron – from entering or exiting any soft surface to which it’s applied, helping to prevent the transmission of deadly diseases among patients and caregivers. Pneumapure also reduces costs associated with HAIs from environmental impact to disposal costs, annual purchase expenditures and more.

Read more at their website: https://sprytherapeutics.com/2020/01/press-release/

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