Image: Kuressaare Haigla SA

Children’s collection: infection prevention and fun patterns

SleepAngel Medical’s new bedding products for children’s hospitals include infection prevention features and also fun and vibrant pattern design by Helje Vaas. For added sustainability, functional fabric and filter leftovers were used as base materials.

SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding is a patented bedding range, clinically proven to block pathogens, allergens, microbes and mould. It is the world’s first barrier bedding range to combine absolute barrier protection with airflow – for user comfort.

“We work to upgrade soft surfaces in a demanding healthcare environments as it is one of the often overlooked areas in infection transmission. The core of SleepAngel Medical bedding is PneumaPure filter technology, patented barrier to microbial contamination, that allows only clean filtered air enter the bedding and the outer cover cover can be cleaned (wipe clean) and disinfected on site. Resulting in a safe and sustainable bedding for long term utilisation,” says Lyane Lind, head of R&D in Gabriel Scientific.

The team has always wanted to do something extra for the smaller patients. “Spending time in a hospital can be tough, it can be especially hard when you are a child. Going through our material stock before summer, I realised that we have fabric and filter left-overs that we cannot use for our standard size products, so we saw this as an opportunity to create “kid-size” positioners and pillows and artist Helje Vaas created custom patterns that were printed on them,” says Lind.

Sleep has a restorative function and is particularly important in maintaining patients’ health and well-being. SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding provides comfort and safety for the patient; sustainability and reduced workload for the caregivers and facility owner. Products do not require laundry and can safely be used for long term.

New children’s collection has already found its way to various hospitals in Estonia to introduce safe supporting soft surfaces and improve indoor environmental safety for small patients and caregivers. Collection is available by request, special requirements apply.

New collection can be found at Confido Medical Center, Jõgeva hospital, Rakvere Lastepolikliinik, Kuressaare Haigla SA (cover photo from their album), Kesklinna LastepolikliinikKesklinna Lastepolikliiniku Taastusravi, Sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum Lastekliinik, Sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi KõrvalliinikTallinna Lastehaigla, SA Haapsalu Neuroloogiline Rehabilitatsioonikeskus. Also at Leebe unekool and charity function Heategevusfond Aitan Lapsi. Pictured SleepAngel Medical’s specical collection, designed by Vaas&Vaas.

The core of SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding is patent protected filter technology, clinically proven barrier to pathogens, allergens, microbes and mould. It is the world’s first barrier bedding range to combine absolute barrier protection with airflow – for user comfort. Unique technology allows the bedding products to be cleaned easily (no laundry required, wipe clean) and to be used longer periods of time, saving therefore time, money and environment.

For further information, please contact us

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