The SleepAngel Medical Barrier Pillow rental service addresses one of the most overlooked yet essential items in healthcare – the pillow. This model provides significant advantages for medical and long-term care facilities, where hygiene, efficiency, and cost control are critical.
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Prioritizing Patient and Caregiver Safety
While sustainability and cost management are key considerations, the primary goal of SleepAngel barrier products is, and always will be, ensuring patient and caregiver safety through superior hygiene and infection control. SleepAngel’s bedding products feature the patented PneumaPure filter, which blocks liquids, pathogens, allergens, and even viruses from entering the pillow. This advanced technology plays a critical role in infection control, which is essential in healthcare settings.
Focusing on Total Cost of Ownership
Investing in high-quality barrier bedding can be costly. The rental model makes SleepAngel’s premium products more accessible by eliminating the high upfront expenses. Instead, facilities can benefit from predictable monthly or yearly fees, allowing for better budgeting and avoiding large capital expenditures. This is particularly helpful for institutions managing tight budgets while maintaining high standards of care. Furthermore, the rental provider is responsible for maintenance and replacement, reducing the burden on facilities to allocate resources for repair or replacement due to wear and tear.
From Pillow Laundry to a Sustainable Product Lifecycle
Sustainability is another key advantage. The SleepAngel pillows do not require professional washing and transport, and have longer utilisation time if handled correctly. If combined with extended product’s lifespan, SleepAngel Medical pillows support sustainability goals by minimizing environmental impact.
Innovation Through Product Testing and Feedback
Another benefit of the rental model is access to the latest SleepAngel products and innovations. Facilities can provide valuable feedback from user experience, helping manufacturer to improve and adapt the products to meet evolving needs.
SleepAngel’s Medical Barrier Pillow rental model is designed to deliver high standards of hygiene, flexibility, cost-efficiency, and convenience while promoting sustainability and ensuring regulatory compliance. If you would like to hear more, please contact My SleepAngel or