Medica 2022

Meet us at Medica 2022

SleepAngel Medical participates at MEDICA with Elers Medical, with focus on medical soft surfaces and curtains.

SleepAngel / Gabriel Scientific team participated at the Medica 2022 with a good partner Elers Medical to discuss items, that are very often present in the room, but also very often forgotten as link in the chain of cross-infection.

Soft surfaces and hospital curtains are both usually present in a healthcare room, but both also forgotten as potential link in the chain of cross-infection. Anneli Pärg presented how SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding can improve safety and sustainability for a healthcare facility in the soft surface area by presenting unique barrier bedding range.

“SleepAngel Medical bedding has been proven to reduce healthcare acquired infections and improve safety both for patients and caregivers due to unique barrier features that do not allow pathogens, viruses, allergens etc to enter the soft surface bedding products.  and allow the products therefore to be cleaned and disinfected quickly,” says Anneli Pärg.

Clinically tested and proven PneumaPure Filter technology is unique and widely adopted in hospitals and other healthcare facilities as a sustainable and safe solution.

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