
International Infection Prevention Week 2020

International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) 2020 highlights daily dedication of hardworking infection preventionists (IPs), who are keeping our communities safe through the prevention and control of health care-associated infections.

PneumaPure filtered barrier bedding is invented to stop healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). For more information, please contact us info@SleepAngel-Medical.com

Infection preventionists (IPs) use their detective skills to find the bad germs and make sure everyone is doing their absolute best to keep you safe. They strive to keep you, visitors, volunteers, employees, and healthcare personnel safe from infection. In 2020, International Infection Prevention Week is recognising IPs and the role they have played in keeping us all safe and healthy and fighting a global pandemic for the foreseeable future. (1)

SleepAngel is advocating for clean soft surfaces in medical setting. While nearly half of the surfaces in healthcare facilities are soft surfaces, soft surface decontamination is often overlooked in todays fast-paced healthcare environment. Studies have shown that just as on hard, nonporous surfaces, bacteria, viruses, and fungi can all thrive on soft surfaces for extended periods of time and contribute to the transmission of microorganisms. If left unaddressed, contaminated soft surfaces can pose a risk of infection and can undermine any hard surface disinfection routines your facility may have as well as put patients, families and staff at risk. (2) Increased environmental contamination is found to increase infection rates and cleaning of the surface environment while the pillow interior remains infected is found to be ineffective in controlling contamination. (3)

“Our aim is to reduce cross-infection and improve safety of patients and caregivers with medical innovation – filtered barrier bedding that is an effective barrier to viruses, allergens, mould, pathogens and liquids. Therefore often overlooked area of contaminated soft surfaces is removed in the medical setting and as pathogens are kept on the surface of the bedding efficiency of other cross-infection measures improves,” says Sven Jürisoo, CEO of Gabriel Scientific/SleepAngel Medical.

SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding range includes pillows, mattresses, toppers, blankets, OR mattresses, neo-natal range, wheelchair pillows and other soft surface products. Innovative technology has received multiple recognitions, as an innovative equipment to stop cross-infection:

  • SleepAngel Medical is a finalist at the Med-Tech Innovation Awards 2020 – read more
  • SleepAngel in the The Brit List 2020 shortlist – read more



  • (1) Infection Prevention and You
  • (2) “A New Frontier: The Dangers of Pathogens on Soft Surfaces”, Chris Kukla, Published on Infection Control Today
  • (3) “Pillows: The Forgotten Fomite”, Dr. Duncan Bain, David Woolfson, Published on Infection.Control.Tips, link

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