
Ecolab team training in Machester

SleepAngel Medical and Ecolab teams met to discuss how innovation can improve sustainability, safety and be financially viable at the same time.

After distribution agreement signed in September between SleepAngel® Medical and global leader in infection prevention solutions Ecolab, it was now time for the teams to dig deep into knowledge.

SleepAngel Medical and Ecolab teams met in Manchester for onboarding session – for detailed overview on PneumaPure® filter product technology, unique barrier features, latest news and customer stories. CEO and founder Sven Jürisoo, who led the training with R&D director Lyane Lind and Sales Director Anneli Pärg came back with enthusiasm and positivity that even Estonia’s dark and rainy October weather could not destroy: “It is great to be back meeting people and Ecolab’s team made us feel right at home. We came back feeling like we are one big team working together to stop healthcare acquired infections.”

Training days included theory sessions, but also practical discussions and workshops as SleepAngel Medical bedding is a paradigm shift in bedding. “When we introduce SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding they do not realise, that this is the first bedding product that actually is waterproof, allergen-free and barrier to microbial contamination. Years of inventing, testing and development is behind our patent protected product technology.

Ecolab team was also one of the first ones to hear about another news that will go public soon. More of that in coming news.

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