Lyane Lind, Research and Development Director, Gabriel Scientific OÜ

New member of Connected Health cluster

Connected Health, founded by the Science Park Tehnopol, is a country-wide partnership between health-related stakeholders in Estonia, who are committed to accelerating the adoption of connected health solutions, on an international scale and on commercial terms.

Gabriel Scientific / SleepAngel Medical is the new member of the cluster. Company is the owner of the unique patented PneumaPure filter and textile innovation for soft surfaces.

An internationally recognised Connected Health cluster brings together several parties in healthcare (health tech startups, needs-based partners, i.e. hospitals and patient organisations, and IT companies) to create new services and products that help solve problems related to healthcare.

Lyane Lind, Research and Development Director

“Connected Health membership gives us the possibility to use our unique know-how with other members and develop new/improve existing solutions to healthcare problems,” says Lyane Lind, R&D Director for Gabriel Scientific OÜ, and adds “our PneumaPure filter technology soft surface products are created to improve patient and caregiver safety and sustainability. The work we have done till now and continue to do aligns with Connected Health vision to save resources in the area of health and improved the quality of health services.”

PneumaPure filter technology for soft surfaces is the core for SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding – clinically proven to block pathogens, allergens, microbes and mould. It is the world’s first barrier bedding range to combine absolute barrier protection with airflow – for user comfort.

Connected Health Cluster

Connected Health Cluster brings together 80+ partners, including 43 companies (start-ups, health IT, medtech, biotech, and pharma), R&D partners (universities and technology competence centres), health and wellness service providers (hospitals, GPs, occupational health, spas, fitness and sports), patient organisations and user communities, and public sector (ministries responsible for healthcare and entrepreneurship, national health insurance, and the national health development agency). Technology startups, small companies that start changing the system by operating with a narrower focus, look for new business models and create precedents of new business models, manage to create examples of how to make healthcare function reasonably (by contributing to prevention and early detection) and cut costs. The cluster is part of the European Connected Health Alliance and ScanBalt network. Read more about the cluster:

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