sleepangel medical bolster 2023

SleepAngel pillows have improved patient care in Croatia

SleepAngel Medical is a patented bedding range, clinically proven to block pathogens, allergens, microbes, and mould.

Bolster is SleepAngel Medical’s distributor in Croatia. They have introduced innovative barrier bedding to hospitals in the region with great results.

Bolster d.o.o. is improving safety for patients and caregivers in Croatia with unique healthcare innovation by SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding: “By using the SleepAngel medical pillows, you will no longer have to worry about constant replacements, washing, crumpled pillows after washing, frequent procurement of new disposable pillows, and generally expensive logistics. Thank you to the employees of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb for recognizing the benefits of SleepAngel pillows!”

The mission of Bolster d.o.o. distributes medical products and consumables for patient care, disease prevention, disinfection, clinic outfitting, and more. Their goal is to find and deliver the most effective medical products to healthcare professionals in order to provide the best service to patients and SleepAngel Medical is therefore perfect fit for their portfolio.

About SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding

  • SleepAngel Medical is a patented bedding range, clinically proven to block pathogens, allergens, microbes, and mould.
  • It is the world’s first barrier bedding range to combine absolute barrier protection with airflow – unique innovation created to improve safety for patients and caregivers, while reducing environmental footprint.
  • The bedding products focus on infection prevention and control, pressure care, caregiver and patient safety
  • Our products are certified as Class I Medical Device in the EU, registered Class I Medical Device with the FDA and approved and registered with the SFDA

Get in touch with Bolster d.o.o. if located in Croatia or find our global distributor network here: link.

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