
About us

Gabriel Scientific is the producer of patent protected SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding. The core of our products is PneumaPure® Filter Technology. 

Our product range include pillows, mattresses, positioners, blankets, top mattresses, and speciality ranges for OR theatres, maternity wards, NICU departments, nursing homes, plastic surgery, and many more.

Our research & development, production and logistics teams are located in Estonia (Pärnu) with 90% of our materials sourced within the European Union. 

Awards for PneumaPure® filter technology:

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Contact data

Gabriel Scientific OÜ

Mauri tee 3
Papsaare küla, Pärnu
Pärnumaa 88317

Phone: + 372 5552 0346
E-Mail: info@SleepAngel-medical.com