Somnopro Group has donated 300 SleepAngel PneumaPure medical pillows to Zengcheng Branch of Nanfang Hospital – designated hospital for patients of SARS in 2003 and NCP (Novel coronavirus pneumonia) in 2020.
Clinically tested SleepAngel PneumaPure medical barrier pillows are 100% barrier to viruses (incl. Coronavirus 229E (HcoV 229E)), allergens and pathogens and support fight against hospital-acquired infections (HAI). SleepAngel barrier bedding stays uncontaminated and improves efficiency of other cross-infection measures – pathogens stay on the surface of the bedding and can be disinfected on site.
SleepAngel Chinese partner Somnopro Group made the donation directly to the hospital to support their work in fighting coronavirus treatment in China. Hospital, known for being designated hospital for SARS in 2003 and now for NCP (coronavirus) in 2020, will utilise the donation to keep both staff and patients safe.
SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding is created to fight HAI and the patent protected bedding technology not only supports hospitals and care homes with reduced workload and simplified procedures, but also improves efficiency of other cross-infection measures by keeping pathogens on the surface of the bedding for disinfection.
Due to combination of innovations (incl. welded seams, PneumaPure filter), the pillows are effective barrier to pathogens* and are easily disinfected on site. SleepAngel pillows will be used in doctors and nurses break room and NCP patients quarantine ward to support their rest and recovery with both comfortable conditions and uncontaminated bedding.
Zengcheng Branch of Nanfang Hospital – Nanfang Hospital is a general Grade-A Tertiary Hospital hospital founded in 1941. It ranked 15th in the 2016 China Hospital Rankings (Fudan Edition), and was listed in the “Summit Plan” of high-level hospitals in Guangdong Province in 2018. Zengcheng Branch of Nanfang Hospital (Zengcheng Central Hospital), located in National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zengcheng, East Guangzhou, is included in the “Major Livelihood Project”, as well as important public facilities of the construction of Eastern Guangzhou Sub-center. Zengcheng Branch of Nanfang Hospital is the designated hospital for patients of SARS in 2003 and NCP (Novel coronavirus pneumonia) in 2020.
About Somnopro Group – Somnopro Group is SleepAngel / Gabriel Scientific official distributor in China for medical, hospitality and consumer line. Find them online: SomnoPro Group
SleepAngel Medical Barrier Bedding

SleepAngel Medical pillow is virus, pathogen and allergen proof.
SleepAngel Medical PneumaPure Filtration technology is highly specialised nano-porous medium that is a clinically proven barrier to pathogens, allergens and microbes. SleepAngel Medical mattresses, blankets and pillows are hermetically sealed cushioning devices with airflow via PneumaPure filter. Technology prevents risks associated with regular pillows – interior contamination and build-up of allergens and microbes. The only thing that can get in or out of a SleepAngel pillow is pure air. Alternative products (e.g. bed protectors and anti bacterial pillows) are not sufficient technologies to block pathogens contaminating the bedding.
Technology is globally patented incl. EU, UK, North America, Japan, China, Russia, India, Middle East. SleepAngel PneumaPure products are CE – marked Class I Medical Devices. SleepAngel Barrier Bedding technology is tested with pathogens: MRSA, difficile, coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Norovirus, Influenza Type A, Adenovirus 5, Coronavirus 229E (HcoV 229E)
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