World Health Organization has decided to focus in 2020 on the critical contribution nurses and midwives make to global health

2020 International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife

World Health Organization has decided to focus in 2020 on the critical contribution nurses and midwives make to global health.

SleepAngel Medical will be introducing PneumaPure filtered barrier bedding to ease the processes and increase safety for nurses, midwives and the patients.

World Health Organization has named 2020 the Year of Nurse and the Midwife to bring focus on the world’s 22 million nurses and 2 million midwives – half of the global health workforce and is providing vital health care. Throughout the year there will be a bigger focus on the critical contribution nurses and midwives make to global health.

In SleepAngel Medical we see contribution done by this important group daily and finding ways to make their work easier and safer is part of our business. SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding with PneumaPure filter technology changes fundamentally the way soft surfaces are handled in demanding hospital environment. SleepAngel Medical barrier bedding (e.g. positioners, blankets, pillows, toppers and mattresses) do not contaminate inside and can therefore be disinfected on site. No need for costly transport, washing or extra stock of bedding and reduced effect on environment (2-year warranty, reduced water waste).

Read more about the WHO campaign:

Would you like to hear more about our products? Please contact us at to set up a meeting or ask for samples.

#SupportNursesAndMidwives #Nurses2020 #Midwives2020


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